
Welcome to BencubbinBencubbin is located 270km from Perth in the North Eastern Wheatbelt of Western Australia. The name of this townsite is derived from "Gnylbencubbing" the Aboriginal name for nearby Mt. Marshall. It was suggested by the Chief Draftsman, J.Hope, in 1913, for the station at the terminus of the Wyalkatchem-Mt Marshall railway. Bencubbin is located at the southern end of the Mt Marshall Shire and is home to approximately 300 people. The Shire of Mt Marshall encourages you to discover vistas of open farmland, walk wildflower trails, climb magnificent granite rocks, and enjoy this delightful small country town.

Bencubbin Contacts

Bencubbin Community Groups and Sporting Clubs - click here for a full list of Community Groups and Sporting Clubs that are currently active in the Bencubbin community.

Community Services - click here for a full list of services in the Shire of Mt Marshall including medical, fire, ambulance and police.

A Brief History of Bencubbin

The land around Bencubbin was opened for selection in 1910 but the town was not gazetted until 1917, the same year the railway had reached the townsite.  Prior to this time the Sandalwood pullers had been through the district and their tracks were later used for roads. Those areas that had reasonably reliable water in the form of gnamma holes or soaks, which were also used as grazing country for flocks of sheep with shepherds in the district from the late 1890’s.  Once the rail line came through settlement stepped up and soon there was a Post Office and other stores to service the district. Prior to this time settlers traveled to Kellerberrin once or twice a year to purchase supplies.

At one time Bencubbin had two general stores, fuel outlets, a butcher, baker, Post Office, Hotel and so on. As the population declined it became harder to support these businesses and slowly they have been absorbed into other businesses in town.  A Police service has been present since those early days. At one time there were numerous government employees housed in Bencubbin. Railway workers, agricultural personnel, and advisors all lived and worked in the town.  The social life of the community in the past centred on the Dances and Balls that the various organisations ran, the pictures shown in the Hall by Paddy Baker and the various sports.  The school has been part of community life from those very early years and continues to be an important part of the community to this day.